From my heart, through my hands, to your home.

This isn’t merely a cup. Make it intentional. Make it mindful. Gone are the days of rushed and worried and “there’s never enough time”. There are endless possibilities at your fingertips.

Playful pieces, lovingly crafted. Wedged, poked, thrown, centred, pulled, dried, dipped, painted, taped, brushed, sanded, and fired. A product of play, intention, growth, and joy. Something birthed from nothing. Carefully crafted and cradled creations.

Like life, it's messy. We never know what’s going to happen. It doesn't appear overnight; it takes a lot of time and energy. Sometimes, these are happy accidents; sometimes, we break, and we lose. And, more often than not, we end up with something very beautiful.

I deeply hope you enjoy these pieces.

Patty x

Take Me Home

Summer Collection